PhotoRAG - RAG Hack

About PhotoRAG

Demo Video

Project Overview

PhotoRAG is an innovative image search application that leverages Azure AI and infrastructure to implement a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system for photographs. This project showcases the power of combining vector embeddings, similarity search, and large language models to create an intelligent and efficient image retrieval system.

Key Features

  • Text-based image search with AI-refined queries
  • Image-based similarity search
  • Vector embeddings for efficient similarity comparisons
  • Integration with Azure AI Services and Azure OpenAI
  • Scalable architecture using Azure infrastructure

Hackathon Submission

This project is submitted as part of the Microsoft Hackathon, showcasing the potential of Azure AI and infrastructure in building advanced image search applications. We hope this demonstration inspires further innovations in the field of AI-powered media retrieval and analysis.